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Latihan Soal Pronouns Bahasa Inggris Part III ; Possessive Pronouns

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Pada bagian pertama dan kedua materi pronouns yang lalu, kita berlatih soal mengenai bentuk pronouns untuk subject-object pronouns dan possessive adjective. Pada post ini kita lanjutkan lagi latihan soalnya ke bentuk pronouns lainnya yaitu Possessive Pronouns.

Materi Possessive Pronouns erat kaitannya dengan materi sebelumnya, yaitu possessive adjective. Pada possessive adjective, terdapat kata benda (noun) yang harus diberikan keterangan sifat seperti pada contoh frase my money, your book, their car, etc. Sedangkan dalam possessive pronouns, lebih berfungsi sebagai kata ganti kepemilikan dengan posisi sebagai kata benda. 

Untuk lebih jelasnya bisa dilihat pada tabel berikut ini,

Secara spesifik, berikut contoh penerapannya,

Keterangan :
  • Dalam bentuk possessive adjective, kita menggunakan kata seperti my, your, her, his, dll yang diikuti oleh kata benda (noun). Sedangkan dalam bentuk possessive pronouns, kita menggunakan kata seperti mine, yours, hers, his, dll , tanpa kata benda.
  • Seringkali dalam kalimat tanya, kita bisa menanyakan kepemilikan dengan kata tanya "whose" misalnya, Whose book is this? --- It's mine atau Whose books are these? --- They're Arga's
Oke, kita langsung ke latihan soal yaa...

Latihan Soal Possessive Pronouns

1. These books are ..., and the ones on the desk are mine.
A. you
B. your
C. yours
D. yourself

2. This is an expensive smartphone. Is it .... ?
A. you
B. yours
C. your
D. yourself

3. They went to the zoo with some friends of ....
A. mine
B. your
C. their
D. theirs

4. Can I use your personal computer? .... has got a virus.
A. you
B. yours
C. mine
D. my

5. My room is bigger than ....
A. you
B. your
C. yours
D. mine

6. Whose books are these? ... or ... ?
A. your or mine
B. yours or my
C. yours or mine
D. your or my

7. That's not my bicycle. ... is red one.
A. you
B. yours
C. my
D. mine

8. I didn't have a raincoat so Linda borrowed me ....
A. her
B. hers
C. his
D. his umbrella

9. It's their problem, not ....
A. our
B. their problem
C. theirs
D. ours

10. I gave him my phone number and he gave me ....
A. his
B. her phone number
C. hers
D. him

11. I can't find my pen. May I use .... ?
A. you
B. yours
C. him
D. your

12. Jim went for a meal with a friend of .... last night.
A. mine
B. ours
C. his
D. yours

13. We went in our car and they went in .... .
A. their
B. theirs
C. they
D. your

14. Are those people friends of .... ?
A. your
B. yours
C. you
D. your friends

15. They're my glasses. They're ....
A. mine
B. yours
C. hers
D. his

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